Analysis – Engagement – Strategy

We synthesize multiple practice areas to build solutions


Meaningful impact is rooted in sound analysis. Our approach starts with examining evidence, opinions, and opportunities through a combination of research, public policy analysis and consultation with key partners. We build the evidence-base and do the sense-making needed to help you effectively shape policy and programs, communicate ideas, and support good decision-making.



Nobody does it alone. Organizations of all types need external voices and support to achieve their aims. Our engagement and outreach processes reach stakeholders, partners, networks, and senior leaders to gather input and shape the direction of initiatives. We leverage evidence, drawn from authentic conversations, to reach your project objectives and communicate to the public, key audiences, and government.



We help organizations close the idea-to-implementation gap. Strategy is about understanding where we are and identifying the best possible course of action to get us to where we want to be. We prepare you for risks and opportunities, help bridge gaps and overcome barriers, and identify the constellation of actors needed to make change.

Work With Us

We’re interested in hearing from potential partners, clients, and collaborators. We’d be happy to discuss a project idea you have, a challenge you’re facing, or just to talk policy.

“Important pockets of innovation and greatness are present in most organizations and we can often learn best from close-to-home transformation efforts inside our own organizations.”

— Senator Tony Dean